Breeding fish feed

The breeding of some species of reptiles is necessary to ensure a continuous supply of live fish feed. It is very important especially when rybožravých turtles and serpents, or in animals derived from trapping of Nature, the dead food, or sliced ​​pieces of meat taken.

The selection of the species is necessary to know the needs of, terms of the number and size of fish needed to ensure the smooth density. It is also necessary to consider the difficulty of breeding the species, their overall size in adulthood and thus growth rate, number of pups, cannibalism or possible. Because of cannibalism is not very suitable for use as fodder to keep mollies, moreover, to grow smaller and it is the time needed to feed grown in size longer.

The most suitable for the purpose of feeding large goldfish 3 – 5 cm seems to be keeping certain cichlids, the needs of their breeding turtles I used kind Hemichromis lifalili. This is a goldfish in a great 10 cm, female is less, grows up to 8 cm. Care for thecm offspring, while at the same spawning female average deal 200 – 300 ikier. The breed is easy, the fertility and breeding success is very good. The spawning once a month you can get from a pair of well over a year 1000 pups. The risk of breeding is their intolerance towards other fish and their own kind.

At one breeding pair is required for tank volume 50 – 60 liters and two tanks for young fish of different sizes and generations. Aquarium for a breeding pair should be easy to arrange, without plants, that fish often quickly destroyed. The bottom layer of gravel, crock pot serving as a nest for wiping, possibly more than a stone shelter and the oxygenation of the water filter. Required is a normal room temperature water. As the food should be minced meat, or granulated food of appropriate size.



Once raised, a breeding pair and ensuring adequate living conditions generally occur in a short period of reproduction. The female pre-glued to place eggs, on which the old couple together. The hatching of larvae occurs after 1-2 On, while their parents are usually moved to another location in the tank. It is therefore preferable to keep in one tank only a few. After about two more days the fry rozpláve and begins to eat. This small fish should be fed brine shrimp, which can be preserved in salt water with oxygenation aerator. After a few days to go to a regular feeding commercial food for aquarium fish fry.

Young fish separated from parents at the age of about 4 weeks in large tanks 70 – 100 l. After the breeding pair have moved in within a few days of costly new eggs. Young fish grow enough food at a rate of approximately 1 – 2 cm per month, therefore due to differences in size and ferocity of the next generation need a separate tank. With proper care during fry 2 – 3 months, reaching a size 3 – 5 cm and are suitable for animal feed.